Hello, friends! Similarly today, we will touch base on a topic and that is Body Mass Index or BMI Going ahead for you. BMI is basically just a measure to determine how much body fat you have based on your weight and height. This is a useful guide which allows you and your doctors to determine if you are at the right weight for your other qualities. Your BMI can be important to your health.
Checking your BMI can help make you aware that if you are overweight. A high BMI suggests too much body fat a low score may indicate starvation or illness. Having too much body fat can lead to serious health problems such as heart disease (heart attacks and strokes)and type 2 diabetes—to take better care of your heartsomet help you change the way you eat. These issues can lower your quality of life and decrease how much you are able to move around. Alternatively if your BMI is too low, it means you do not have a healthy level of body fat. Being too thin can also carry health risks, like feeling tired all the time (and having no energy to exercise), or getting sick a lot.
BMI is a good way of checking for unhealthy weight problems like obesity and malnourishment. As an example if your BMI was high you could be on the way to diabetes, heart disease and even some cancer. We do not want to have concern with those things which is keeping track of your BMI. But if you have a low BMI, it may cause other problems like feeling weak, an increased risk of becoming ill or bone related issues. Understanding your BMI will facilitate healthier habits
According to your score, BMI has different groups, which tell you that where are you? A score below 18.5 is indicative of you being underweight If the number is between 18.5 and 24.9 then you are categorized as Normal Weight person, This is a good place to be! If having a score between 25 to 29.9, it means you are overweight If your score comes out to be 30 or more then you are in the obese range. Each of this category share their reality with your body and health.
But there are some easy to follow methods if you want your BMI not to cross the threshold of normalcy. It all begins in eating a balanced diet. This means you need to eat all types of foods equally fruits and veggies, whole grains with a little bit meat each day. These foods provide your body with the essential nutrients required and keep you fit. Junk food including sugary drinks and fast foods should be consumed in careful amounts as these will add extra calories to the daily intake which are often unwanted fats.
The other most effective method for your BMI is exercise and moving. Everyone should exercise their bodies for 30 minutes every day. From walking outside, jogging and swimming to even dancing! You could also join a local sports team or try something fun like yoga.
If you are starting to feel concerned about your BMI then it is definitely a time when you should ask your doctor. They will be able to explain your numbers and prepare a plan for you on how lose weight as well how improve health.