Why do you weigh differently in the morning and at night?
There is no need to worry, it is not a sign of gaining weight! The human body is a dynamic system and weight changes from moment to moment. From morning to night, we eat three mea ls a day and drink water, and some snacks, sot he weightr ises. And at the same time , no matter whe ther walking, sitting, or lying down consumes energy, even breat hing will bring out part of the water, go to the toilet to urinate and defecate is a large amount of waste will be dis charged from the body, the we ight will be reduced.
By calculating the "total energy intake - total energy expenditure", we can find that the weight in the evening is heavier than morning. Generally speaking, it is normal for weight to fluctuate between 1- 3kg, so there is no need to obsess about the slight change in weight during the day
Body fat percentage down, weight up?
Body fat percenta ge is an impor tant indicator to e va luate a per son's weight loss. A decrease in body fat percenta ge reflects a drop in a per son's fat conte nt. But please note that weight loss i s about los ing fat on t he one hand and gaining mus cle on t he ot her. Ga ining muscle leads to improve d body dimens ions and vis ually a more refine d per son, as muscle is denser than fat , so muscle ga in may lead to no change in we ight or we ight ga in. Fat loss and muscle ga ins res ult in a t ighter, more def ined body, which is t he ult imate a chie veme nt of we ight loss!
In addit ion, t he huma n body has iner t ia. Once the body is accustome d to a cer ta in sta te, it is not easy to change . F or example, wor king out consumes a lot of water and glycogen, to ma intain iner t ia, the body will store more glycogen for consumption, which leads to we ight gain. Ho we ver, t his usua lly occur s in the be gining of f itness ,once t he body has a dapted to the cha nge , t he we ight will not increase.
After explaining the problem of "body fat rate decreasing but weight increasing", some partners may have also encountered the situation of "weight decreasing but body fat rate increasing". This may be due to the shorter workout time, sweating and urination make the body lose water, thus short-term weight loss, but less fat loss. When the amount of fat remains almost the same and the amount of water decreases, the body fat percentage rises.
Do we have to keep practicing every day if we want be in fitness?
Many people have a perception of fitness that they must practice for hours every day to be effective. It's certainly good to have the determination to get ahead, but you can't rush it. Adequate rest is actually conducive to improved training results.
Fitness should follow the theory of overload recovery. The term "overload recovery", also known as "over compensation", refers to one of the stages of the energy recovery process after training. In this stage, the energy consumed by the organism during exercise and the functions of organs and systems are not only restored but even exceeded. The degree and appearance of this stage is closely related to the volume of exercise: the higher the volume of exercise and the more material is consumed, the more pronounced the degree of over-recovering is the time of its appearance is more delayed.
The less you eat, the better shape you'll be in?
Fitness preaching "three parts practice seven parts eat", Do exercise but also control your diet. But remember, it is not the less you eat, the more chances you can get a good body, meanwhile, it may lead to symptoms such as hypoglycemia, malnutrition, etc., and damage to health. We need to know suitable tactics exercise and diet for ourselves is the best!
So how much is the proper amount to eat? firstly we need to measure our basal metabolism.We can use the Youjiu 3T Intelligent Body Meter to test our basal metabolism, we can also test other body components such as body functions and posture at the same time.
Basal metabolism refers to the amount of energy required for the body to fulfil its most basic survival needs,which is the minimum amount of calories required to maintain normal life processes such as respiration, heartbeat, and body temperature when a person is at rest. The total energy consumption of an adult in a day can be divided into five parts: exercise consumption, basal metabolic consumption, daily life consumption, food thermogenesis, and adaptive thermogenesis. Fat loss, as an important part of fitness, is based on the principle that calorie intake is less than calorie consumption, creating a calorie deficit. The idea is usually to "eat less and train more", but this may also lower your basal metabolism and reduce calorie consumption, making it difficult to create a calorie deficit despite eating very little. Therefore, the amount of food intake should be considered to balance your basal metabolism. In addition to eating sensibly, performing muscle building training can also increase basal metabolism to some extent. Remember, a proper training programme is based on maintaining and boosting basal metabolism.