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تحليل الدهون في الجسم

لدينا مقاومة كهربائية حيوية للدهون في الجسم that informs us about our bodies and health. It tells us how much body fat we have; it is an important information, since because this indicates how healthy we are in general. At YOUJOY, we think everyone should be aware of his / her body fat ratio. It is important for every human to know this number to make informed decisions that will help you to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

The body fat analysis is a process that provides information about how much fat is in the body. Different tools and methods are available to find out this information. Measuring your body fat percentage is extremely important since it measures how much of your body is composed of fat. Excess body fat can cause multiple healthrelated issues. Some of these issues are obese, weight problems, heart disease and diabetes. Knowing where you fall in terms of body fat percentage can help you make gains in your health, and steer clear of a range of issues.

الأدوات والطرق

There are various tools and techniques used to measure body fat percentage. Examples of these are skinfold calipers, bioelectrical impedance, and DEXA scans. Skinfold calipers are instruments that measure the thickness of skin at various sites on your body. This is used to estimate your body fat percentage. Another measurement method is bioelectrical impedance in which we measure how the body reacts to an electric current. This resistance allows us to estimate how much fat you have in your body. The DEXA (dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry) scan is more sophisticated; it uses X-rays to measure exact amounts of fat, muscle and bone in your body. All of these tools help you know your body fat better.

Why choose YOUJOY body fat analysis?

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